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Crown Royal Calls for Water Breaks

Crown Royal Old Fashioned feature

September 12, 2018 – This football season be prepared to take water breaks.  Frequently.  Crown Royal, the Canadian whisky in the nifty purple bag, has launched a responsible drinking campaign, which they claim is the largest ever, and it probably is.

If you watched the season opener last Thursday, you might have seen the 30-second ad.  It’s hard to miss. It features a referee signaling a time out for an official Crown Royal Water Break for fans everywhere to take a break and hydrate between alcoholic drinks.  It’s quite amusing so hopefully it will get the attention of fans in the stands, in bars or at home.  Bars could have some fun with it and so can hosts at home by encouraging responsible drinking without being a jerk about it.

The campaign will continue to air during the first half of games throughout the entire season. Crown Royal will also partner with a roster of legends including Brian Westbrook, DeMarcus Ware and Ed Reed to remind fans it’s important to take Water Breaks. In select markets, these former greats will get back in the action by assisting Crown Royal in distributing tens of thousands of gallons of water in stadiums and bars to create a safer, more enjoyable game day.

gifts to the military

Crown Royal Blue Bag


Speaking of the famous Crown Royal purple bag, hang on to any you’ve collected and donate them to the Crown Royal Purple Bag Project which works with Packages From Home to send gifts to the military.  It started back in 2010 and they’ve sent nearly half a million gifts so far.  We’ll have more details on this year’s campaign soon.

