Gin is the Spirit of World Cucumber Day

June 9, 2020 — World Cucumber Day? Really? Indeed. June 14 is the designated day. There was something a bit odd, even a bit rum you might say, about the whole thing. Sniffing around online we found who was behind it — the sly, creative Brits at Hendrick’s Gin.
World Cucumber Day is a marketing idea cleverly executed with wit and whimsy as only the British can conjure. As described on its amusing and entertaining web site, “Hendrick’s Gin is infused with the curious, yet marvelous, essences of rose and cucumber, delectably supported by no less than 11 botanicals from the four corners of the world. This whimsical concoction produces a wonderfully refreshing gin with a delightfully floral aroma.”

World Cucumber Day is in its fourth year and it truly is a global celebration. From Kenya to Australia to Singapore to bars across Europe, thousands who just want to mellow out with “some sublime simplicity” will enjoy this quite peculiar gin. They probably won’t care that Hendrick’s Gin is created by marrying distillates from two types of still creating a singularly smooth gin that has both intriguing depth of flavor and a delicate floral aroma. Nor will they ponder that Hendrick’s Gin is hand-crafted in tiny batches of only 500 lovely litres at a time, which gives the Master Distiller, Ms Lesley Gracie, greater control of her careful artistry. But they will feel all is right with the world – as long as they drink responsibly.
Gin is such a great drink. If you haven’t tried it, you should. In fact a gin tasting party would be a wonderful way to learn about it. The base is juniper but every brand’s flavor is unique depending on the choice of the botanicals used by the distiller. Apart from the martini, gin’s most famous companion is tonic and a short history of the Gin & Tonic can be found here. You might want to fix one for World Cucumber Day.
By the way, if you like the whimsical “Wonder Beasts of Arcadia” above, you can download it and others here for Zoom backgrounds.
Hendrick’s is widely available with a suggested retail of $34.99 for a 750 ml bottle.
