Old Victorian Pub Found Under Street in Manchester, U.K.

September 29, 2016 – A 200-year-old Victorian pub, complete with bottles of brandy, was found buried under a busy street in Manchester, England as excavators cleared the way for a 13-story apartment building. Archaeologists were summoned and they discovered the pub belonged to Thomas Evans, who was the landlord of the Astley Arms in 1821. Thomas Evans had his name inscribed on well-preserved pieces of crockery. In tracing the Evans family, they found that one descendent lives in Texas.
About 20 bottles of unopened brandy were found. James Alderson, the site’s developer, told the Manchester Evening News, “We opened the cork on a few and you can still smell it.”
Other artifacts unearthed included inkpots, keys, pipes and an old glass milk bottle.