Bombay Sapphire Gin Recalled in Canada

May 4. 2017 – There’s a round up going on in Canada to find bottles of Bombay Sapphire Gin that are 77 percent alcohol by volume (ABV) instead of 40 percent as marked on the label.
Before anyone gets hysterical, let’s just establish that the product won’t kill you unless you plan to guzzle as much as you can, in which case all alcohol is dangerous. But it is just about double the normal ABV so one drink equals two. The famous Bacardi family makes the gin and their spokeswoman, Amy Federman commented, “Remember, the product isn’t unsafe, it just was recalled because the label says 40 percent and it didn’t in fact contain 40 percent…. There’s much higher proof alcohol out there that people drink and buy everyday — but it’s labeled properly.”
The error occurred at a U.K. bottling plant where in the process of switching tanks on the bottling line the over proof gin was inadvertently used for about 45 minutes. Only approximately 1,000 six-bottle cases were made and these were shipped to the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Manitoba, Alberta, Quebec and Saskatchewan late last year. The code on the bottle is L16304w so if you have one, drink it slowly if it tastes OK, or return it to the store where you purchased it, or as advised by at least one professor of pharmacology, throw it out.