February 19, 2016 — The wine industry has a habit of telling consumers what they should like and why, because there are rules and standards that everyone in the industry knows are correct because that’s the way it’s always been. For example, it is a given that you should drink a robust red wine with steak, even if you would really prefer something lighter and maybe even sweeter. That is just plain heresy and, of course, puts you in the peasant category.
Fortunately, consumers who don’t fit the mold have a champion in their corner named Tim Hanni and by filling out a fun survey, you can make your voice heard!
Tim Hanni, one of the first two Americans to earn the coveted titled of Master of Wine, and the letters MW after his name, has done extensive research over the past 35 years into why you like the wines you like, which is actually the title of his book. A trained chef, he has been dubbed “flavor maven” and the “wine anti-snob”. Tim sees his mission as providing insight into consumer preferences, which is valuable to the industry but also liberating for the consumer.
In 2011, based on an in-depth survey, Hanni launched myVinotype as a tool for consumers to learn more about their own preferences, as well as a platform for all areas of the wine industry – producers, restaurants, retailers and so on – to learn and understand consumer preferences. For the consumer, understanding their taste sensitivities and tolerances allows them to select wines that will appeal to them, rather than compelling them to drink what the “experts” think they should drink.
Wine drinkers have plenty of opinions and now there’s an opportunity to have your preferences and two cents included in the next survey, which you can findhere. It will take about 15-20 minutes to fill out and participation is confidential. A random drawing will be held for 25 copies of Tim Hanni’s book “Why You Like the Wines You Like”. We can guarantee you’ll find a lot of information in the book that is surprising, to say the least.
An integral part of myVinotype is the annual Consumer Wine Awards about which we have written extensively. This fun event is scheduled for Sacramento for 2016. By filling out the survey you will receive information and the opportunity to reserve your spot on the tasting panels. Only non-professionals are welcome because the emphasis is on consumers and their preferences.