Mezcal Cocktail Honors the Mexican Gray Wolf

April 1, 2018 – Montelobos Mezcal Cocktail celebrates the Mexican gray wolf. The Mexican gray wolf needs friends as there aren’t many of them roaming around the Southwest of the U.S. and Mexico these days. So it is appropriate that Montelobos Mezcal has partnered with the @WolfConservationCenter to bring awareness to the Mexican gray wolf, aka the lobo. Montelobos is named for the “Mountain of the Wolves” that overlooks the brand’s Palenque (distillery) in Santiago Matalán, Oaxaco where the mezcal is carefully crafted. The lobo is a beautiful and unique species that was conspicuously absent from its native Southwestern US habitat for 30 years until being successfully reintroduced into the wild 20 years ago.
The lobo is a strong, intelligent creature that was revered in pre-Columbian Mexico, where it was regarded as a symbol of war and sun. Today, there are approximately 114 Mexican gray wolves remaining in the wild. Wolves are a keystone species, meaning they are a crucial part of our ecosystem, which is why it’s important to celebrate their legacy, beauty and power. Montelobos Mezcal has created a cocktail to celebrate the Mexican gray wolf.
Tierra de Lobos (Land of the Lobos)
1 ½ parts Montelobos Mezcal
¾ part fresh lemon juice
½ part cardamom syrup* (Recipe below, or simple syrup can also be substituted)
8 to 12 fresh blueberries
3 parts coconut water
Method: Lightly muddle 5 to 9 blueberries in a cocktail shaker then add the rest of the ingredients. Shake well. Fine strain mix over fresh ice into a highball glass. Garnish with 3 blueberries on a cocktail pick.
*Cardamom Syrup
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 cup whole cardamom
1 cup hot water
Mix all ingredients until the sugar is dissolved and let steep for 20 minutes. Let cool and steep cardamom for 2 days, then discard.
To learn more about the Mexican gray wolf and see web cam photos, check out @WolfConservationCenter.